Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ahh! Shurbutt bites my ass!

Henry Louis Gates Jr. is on Colbert.

Please, please tell me someone understands my pain!


Lacey said...

he's been on there before..wait why is it painful?

Ms. Frances said...

I admit I don't understand the pain either. Because we only got him for one evening?

Kiddo said...

Cus of all the work I did for him, and then he pompous-assedly copped out of our two-bit po-dunk town (you know, the sort that he claims as his own to Oprah and disdains the rest of the time?) even though we blew a third of our budget on his whiny, gimmick strewn ass.

And then he gets to go and defile my favorite talk show. Thankfully Colbert has a wonderful command of conversation and steered it all away from the pity party Mr. Gates demands of his viewership.

Bob O said...

You go, girl!