As yet actual birth/hatching/emergence has eluded me and all I find are curled bodies, sometimes being dragged away by a single ant (easily a quarter the size of a termite), but I count the new ones every hour or so when I'm home, averages 3 an hour until noon.
I've had one incident on the scale of the first one, since. Maria, in her infinite mothering, quizzed me afterwards on the genocide I dealt. It appears I used too much spray, but otherwise I am a competent warrior in the ongoing saga.
Otherwise, summer is pretty sweet. If my life continued like this for years, I'd be a happy camper. Tutor some days, attend parties, getting taught how to make food from scratch, washing clothes... If anyone knows of private tutoring gigs anywhere in the world, I'll be there in a snap. Its good, fulfilling fun!
The downside of this is the great fattening that happens. It's stormed everyday for three weeks solid now. Yesterday's storm literally made the sky look the underbellies of slugs. For an agrarian society at the zenith of its growing season (we have 17 possible hours of photosynthesis time a day) its not so crop-hot. It also restricts my running and clothes washing capabilities. Meaning all the unpaved roads require Wellies, meaning, no running. And I just got the box from Mom with real tennis shoes! My first pair since... geez, since Mom was in charge of dressing me... I was so excited! My Quarter Life Crisis so far has had amazing impacts on my physical health... Halt, Health! Erika must remain sedentary!
And the whole plants not getting enough sun and too much water means really oddly shaped fruits and vegetables. Except potatoes. Gods smile on the growth of potatoes more than anything except maybe the cockroach or bluebottle fly.
The storms are good for one or two things though. Maria and I devised a way around the clothes washing difficulty. Put out all clothes in Storm 1. During respite, before Storm 2, rub down all clothes with detergent. Storm 2 Rinses.
We're still working out the kinks in the drying theory, but, we'll get there. Sci Fi has taught me the human spirit is indomitable.
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