Friday, July 16, 2010

I Took a Survey

This is what I said:

Involve more host country nationals in training. The largest problem I face is the lack of motivation of Host Country Nationals. If they were more involved with me while I was being trained, they would have more similar levels of motivation. A problem with involving them is removing them for training from their homes and jobs. If things like Pre Service Training and In Service Training were broken up into regional training grounds rather than focused in the capital, though it would cost more initially, more HCNs would be able to participate and would better understand Peace Corps and its goals. My partners had never heard of Peace Corps until they were assigned to work with me and even then it's been a year of working together, and they still have limited understanding of the scope of such an enterprise.

Using money, instead, to bolster our training and that of our partners will not only integrate us more effectively into our communities more quickly, but will maximize a ghost of sustainability, which, up until this point, only appears in the budding attitudes of children.

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