The last job I applied to is the first I have ever encountered, where, without thinking too hard, I can produce 5 extremely well-qualified references for said job. It occurred to me, that I'm finally in a place where I am actually qualified for things like managerial jobs, publicity coordinating jobs, teaching jobs, administrative jobs.
I've always known (no small thanks to my ever-encouraging parents) I can do pretty much anything if I put my mind to it. However, America, being the highly pragmatic and quantifiable-fact-mongering creature that it is, has disagreed with me.
Until now.
I'm not saying I'll get a job right off the bat (I have more well qualified friends than me jobless and losing hope). And I'm not saying I have an above average resume, just that I'm more accomplished than I thought.
Then, I chatted with one of my former students. Maxim graduated last year and has been studying in Balti. It was great to see him again as he was the only boy in his whole graduating class last year who took me seriously as anything more than That Jessica Simpson Look Alike (and seriously, where did they even GET that comparison?).
Maxim is applying for a work abroad position in the USA. I told him if the system needed it, I would happily give him a reference.
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