It's that stage where we've been physically mature adults for over 10 years, but haven't yet done any of the things "adults" do. We have jobs, but they're random and often waged not salaried. We love them, but Bar Tender and Movie Usher just aren't going to get us a 401K -- right? We have lived with ppl romantically, but aint no ring on our fingers. In fact, the Bachelorette Party is a perfect microcosm of the whole stage -- Good dirty fun with the intent of getting to the real (and very legal) deal in just a sec.
Miley Cyrus is still in that 10 year period, convalescing in all her cake having/eating glory. Beyonce is a real adult. She has Adulted.

It was a whole grand affair with tent and loads of beloveds. I'm slowly working through all the thank you cards now (each will come with some printed photos!). After all this buzz of Wedding, died down, however, I learned the most crucial part: that I am no different than I was this time last year. I'm with the man I love and want to spend my life with.
Weirdly, though, other ppl have started treating me differently. Relations don't act like I'm a hot potato or unstable isotope -- to be warily handled. I always thought of that attitude be directed toward me because I'm super fun, and a bit of a zaney little wild card in comparison to their suburban choices. Now I'm realizing it's because I'm somehow a part of their club.
This disturbs me, and I can't phrase why, but it feels like there is way more cultural miasma wending around here than I'd thought. In this way, adulting is very off-putting. I have figurative vertigo (I have literal vertigo too, but that's for different reasons), and it's marriage's fault.

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