Friday, August 29, 2008


One of the most common symbols in dream is losing teeth. Having them fall from your head. It's disturbing. Without the toothfairy to cushion the dreams of children, it could be terribly traumatic for kids to be losing the teeth all the time. It's weird and scary when you think about it.

Having them yanked forcibly, that's not so weird... right? You get your xrays and explanations. Dozens of people around you testify that it wasn't so bad.

There is only less than 1% chance of losing sensation in your chin and lower lip and jaw. Less than 1% chance of opening a hole in your nasal cavity. 15% chance of dry sockets. Oh, and, if you don't eat with your lorcet, you have to take this anti nausea pill rectally.

And, even with the low risks and the deformed face I've got myself, and the weird headaches and achy body and restlessness from bedrest, this is a pretty cool vacation. I get to watch a bunch of movies and cuddle with the doggy completely guilt free for four days. Even on actual vacations I always feel like there are numerous things I should be doing instead. Drugged as I am though, I'm not allowed to do those things. Doctor's orders.


Ms. Frances said...

Oh good I guess you got your wisdom teeth out!

jeremy said...

what the hell?!

Phillip said...

My roommate just had a root canal, but he said it wasn't too painful. He had been on vicadin and stuff for a while, so it was an interesting couple days beforehand.

Kiddo said...

Yeah... Wisdom teeth have left the building.

I think my new life goal is to always lay around the house reading gobs and gobs of poetry and watching disney movies while on drugs.

My vanity just doesn't allow for alot of human interaction. My cheeks are so gross looking.