Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Foot Baths – Yes!

Surely, someone, somewhere at some point told me why there are so many foot baths in the Bible, but it didn't stick. Culturally aware folks who read the bible think, yea, well, paired with so many descriptions of sandals and long ass walks, no way Galilee ain't going to be full of foot bathers, like shoe shiners of 1950s New York. Or, in a particularly Moldovan preoccupation, in keeping your house and rugs clean.

Upon entering any domicile, everyone takes their shoes off immediately. Houses are kept pristine in the case that some person may just drop in on you. I've received many a nuanced urging to keep my room tidier if I'm going to tutor children here. The parents of said children may think me unfit to teach them, or Maria to host me if my room is cluttered or unswept. I'm not even messy. In the course of a day, sure, things get scattered as I jump from guitar to drawing, to researching history, drink various things, make snacks, blow my nose, plan lessons, scan grammar charts, check email etc. But I periodically get claustrophobic and put everything away! I also never wear shoes in the house.

Once, at The Lost Dog (beloved), the new kid (shit what was his name! He was 17 and a stoner...) was closing shop by himself the first time. Closing the Dog entails dozens of minute cleaning tasks, but the last is always the floor, which we have (present tense on purpose—I don't think ex employees are ever considered “ex”, clarify with Garth, but there's only one ex employee not allowed behind the counter whenever to make his or her own drinks – free.) to wash by hand.

Ah... never is there a day I don't dream of scrubbing that 300 year old, original colonial floor but 6 inches from my face. Damn...

But! I digress.

Stoner. Right. So, it being his first time, he was taking awhile. 3 hours awhile (average = 35 minutes). Garth walked up at 9pm to see what had gone wrong and was all worked up and ready to bust Stoner for breaking the water something or spilling all the bean something. Stoner was inching around the floor in his bare feet, rag in hand. Forgetting his anger (as always in the face of something truly awesome) Garth went in and asked what Stoner was doing!

Stoner: washing the floor.

Garth: with your toes? You're not even using that rag in your hand! Where's your water?

Stoner: Water's there.

Garth : Don't use that bucket! Use this bucket back here! Your rag has a hole in it – is that a bleach rag?! What are you doing?!

Stoner: I'm checking the floor with my toes.

Garth: what?!

Stoner: Your toes are really sensitive. I already washed the floor and now I'm checking to make sure I got all the dust.

Garth: Oh.

Stoner: …

Garth: Well, you're late. Where's the day's money?

Then Garth told us all the story of Stoner and his toes and how maybe we should ALL do that. We didn't, but you get the point.

Feet are amazing. Feet crushing is a preferred torture for a reason. They feel all that dirt, all those crevices you think are just callous, all that jam from you fluffy socks, all that Galilee dust and flakes from dry sandals? Yea, it's all felt.

One of first things I noticed was a habit of Moldova was the foot, shoe thing. I'd walk around my room and notice if there was too much dust buildup on the floor and hair buildup in the rugs. I can't let my room get messy because I feel every speck of dirt and dead bug. Hole punch collateral sticks to my soles. Cat fur sticks to my toes.

Thus, I vacuum often. Just gross not to.

It's also just gross not to wash your feet at the end of the day. Even if you don't take a shower, while brushing one's teeth, rinse off the feet. Even if you lead a teacher's sedentary life rather than a farmer's robust one—the water will still brown. Even if you don't use soap, you'll still see the day wash off. And afterwards...oh tingly goodness! Cleanliness is next to godliness because God likes foot baths. God has good reason. They feel freaking awesome! Wash yours today!


Phillip said...

Is yout title a reference to the Professor Brother's History Lesson video on youtube? It's pretty awesome.

Also, maybe footbaths were popular for the same reason that girlfriends/wives always (stereotypically) want foot massages. I mention it's a stereotype, but my own experience supports it, and I supposedly give a good foot massage (if you're ever around, we'll call that an offer on the table).

Kiddo said...

It absolutely is an oblique reference to that obscure cartoon!

and I have my own travelling foot massage slave. But thanks for the offer.