Thursday, November 11, 2010

Operation Hydra, and Other Happenings

Rejection in the poetry world is pretty common: fact.
Erika is overly sensitive/defensive: quantifiable.

Why she doesn't seem to mind having her poetry rejected on such a frequent basis: Unknown.

However, being rejected by Beloit Poetry Journal (who is she kidding trying for such a fry?) solidified something in her, previously indistinct and with the consistency of silly putty. For every rejection I now get, I will send out 3 submissions.

Yes, the loneliness is good for our intrepid nerd. Long evenings cut short when one wages a one woman battle of alliteration against all artifice and its strappings.

Also, Renata's open class today went extremely well. First time I've seen Claudia approve of anything other than my beauty.

And I have a cold out of nowhere. Good thing I stocked up on DayQuil/NyQuil rations.

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