Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Media in Murka

Being out of Fringe, the Xfiles substitute that stimulates your brain just enough to catch out the scientific fallacies, I have reverted in time and brilliance to Sex and the City. This new show makes me want to smoke cigarettes, wear weird clothes, and hurt people.

I'm reading Atlas Shrugged. Dad bought a copy for every family member. It's a weird combination of showing what Ayn Rand preaches and what she preaches against. It makes me want to build railroads, own fancy clothes, and hurt people.

Thankfully, my old cd collection did not get lost or destroyed while I was in Europe so I don't have to listen to contemporary pop and the djs who choose its order. If I did, I have learned it makes me want to dance in smoky bars with strangers, wear boots, and hurt people.

The news channels bark at me, except the hateful, yet calm people of Morning Joe on MSNBC. The serenely and with great deliberation promote Starbucks coffee and bash every politician and politico under the sun. They even make fun of phony feminists who whine. The show endorses my addiction to coffee, makes me want to wear my one Jackie O dresses, and hurt people.

If you see a pattern forming, you are smarter than the American media octopus.

Thus far media in America has not been kind to my psyche.

I will get right on writing up the last two months spit spot in order to force something in the world media-related makes misanthropically happy and informative sense out of all the crap.


PB said...

yay, you're back!! (your blog, too!)

Joy said...

sorry E PB did not leave that comment - I DID, BUT i was working on the layout of her blog so it signed your blog as her. does that make sense??