Monday, June 20, 2011

The Guy who Won

That mayoral race? I listened, with my cabbie this morning, to the news as we drove from Glodeni at 9 am (It took 40 mins to get there, 10 to do my work, 10 to find an expensive ride home, and 20 to get home. My village just doesn’t have a bank or book store.). Chisinau did not, after all, go communist. Neither did Balatina.

Balatina chose the guy who put limestone gravel in our pot holes. A 20 something who is high up at the lime stone quarry just outside of town. He is married to a girl who looks almost exactly like Natalie Portman, if Natalie Portman had grown up here, poor, and not in Israel and America, rich. Their first daughter was a hard birth at 2 months over due, but is healthy and lovely now, born last September. He is Renata’s neighbor.

Maria’s comment: “He is young, but he is not communist.”

Laurentiu’s comment: *shrug*

Renata’s comment: “He said he will help with projects at the school, so I don’t have to work with Claudia anymore.”

Claudia continues making our life and project hell. Latest Development (after I spoke strongly against corruption etc.) “I don’t want Erika to have a bad impression of me. I will not do more with this project, but I did already buy all the furniture.” She said this as way of placation or apology or something to Renata on the phone and has refused to talk to me since the confrontation. She instead is throwing all her effort into gaining Natalia’s trust and sway her to Claudia’s side. To do this she renovated Natalia’s classroom’s furniture and called Renata to pass on the message that Natalia now has to go buy a new lock for her door…
Does this seem convoluted to anyone else?

But our mayor now is not only not a communist, but has live most of his life in Moldova, not the Soviet Union, not Romania, and has lived half his life with the prospect of the EU hanging in his cultural cloud.

What will happen?

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