Tuesday, June 21, 2011

To Be a Master

A couple hours a day, I look at what I can do in the future: Where, How, How much money.

Even though my writing has the potential to land an agent, and jet me to a brownstone in Brooklyn, it is unlikely. Yes, yes, less likely the more effort I put into things like Masters Degrees and graduate certificates and other jobs, of course, but I have read the writing of people who make it, and I am not that good.


I mentioned a while ago about my Masters Degree aspirations. Since then I have started research on the things. Uni/MD, George Mason, VCU, Uni/VA... Bigger schools and better schools than Shepherd. Much as I loved living the communal life of hippy West Virginia, the idea of a respectably yuppie job is laughable from a University completed funded by the late Senator Byrd's pork.

What I noticed first was the great range of things I'm interested in. This is not new. Then I noticed there are things called "graduate certificates." I think a collection of those would be quite nice!

So! Sell out to the business and admin world for two years, pay that off, and then gradually accrue excellence!

Best options to date:
Double MBA/MPP from UM with a PC scholarship.
MPP from GMU with mandatory over seas internships.

Poetry will suffer. It is possible, however, that the lackluster poetry that gluts all the magazines that make money is so drab and stilted because all the people who get into things like the New Yorker and Harpers sold out already.

So! There's that goal coming closer too!

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