Yep. It's true. Josh and I have fallen into Michael Phelps Mania. MPM. I don't know, but after the next order of Obama tshirts, we may have to order Phelps Phan tshirts... The man may be the Achilles of our age. Give me a physically bent warrior at all of his caliber in the last 50 years.
I dunno, Mohammad Ali -- maybe. Granted, his "sport" is more warrior like than swimming in a straight line real fast.

I dunno... Who's glory is greater?
You know what is scary? What if he's just on a secret new drug or something? I don't want to knock your hero off his pedestal, and I don't really think he's on drugs, but I mean! He's blowing everybody else clean out of the water! It's ridiculous. Ridiculously amazing. He is probably as responsible as the Chinese for my newly recovered interest in the Olympics.
That picture of him reminds me of king kong, that was all I could think about while he was insanely screaming and celebrating with his team-mates "dude...he looks like king kong..and he's going to crush someone"
And by the way, welcome to blogger :) I have only been blogging a short time now but so far so good, and now I have a new blog to add to the list of time-suckers
Here's what I have on drug testing:
"The International Olympic Committee is conducting more than 4500 drug tests during the Games, including testing the first five place-getters in heats and finals, as well as targeting other athletes who are suspected of doping.
"The fact that they have doubled the testing over what was done in Sydney and there have been positive tests already demonstrates the cheats are being caught,'' Australian Olympic Committee vice-president Peter Montgomery said."
So, I guess they're pretty tightly regulated.
I heard rumors about swimming trunk technology improving, which is supposedly why so many world records are being crushed this year.
read this for some more ideas about Phelp's record breaking :)
Oh yeah, Mom said NASA designed these new suits, and some people even say they should be baned because of the advantage they give.
Here's something I don't get: last night when he got his 8th medal in the relay, they said he broke like 5 or 6 world records and 1 olympic record. How can one break a world record without breaking an olympic record? Wouldn't it be that every world record he made was also a new olympic record?? What am I missing here?
Ok, about the olympic vs world records, I don't know...
The pants though, if every one has them -- which they certainly seem to do -- then that argument is void.
The LZR suits are also $500 a pop. A pop equals to only six swims until the water repellent wears off.
Everyone does wear them. many olympians drop sponsors to wear them. that's the problem. Athletes with sponsors to buy these suits, get the top notch training in the best facilities. Not doubting phelps is a amazing athlete and not deserving of those golds. How can poorer nations compete with not just americans, but the french and your boys the aussies.
I am going to a different subject, about the best olympian...
Jesse Owens proving Hitler wrong in 1936 Berlin with 4 golds. While representing a country that is segregated, thats pressure.
in the last fifty years? you could argue with carl lewis or jordan. its hard to argue with 8 golds with all world records with more to come in 2012 and maybe 2016.
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