Friday, August 8, 2008

Week One

Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have landed in Stillwater. It hasn't yet been a week, but most things are set up... Even the pilgrimage to Ikea has already happened.

The four hour drive there, and four hour drive home weren't particularly thrilling, aside from a very specific breed of rain that exists in Texas. That is, you can see it coming a couple miles away - literally - and you know to turn on your windshield wipers three seconds before it pelts your car and steal all visibility of the road, which is not to say all visibility. Though you cannot see the road, you can clearly see ahead of you. The showers aren't wide or opaque, just violent in their pinpoint existance. The afternoon light just on the other side of the thunderhead lights the whole rest of the world, and lets you see that this rain will only continue for a couple minutes.

Otherwise, the air is graciously dry.

Joshua and I are busy setting up our offices and playing house. He starts training on Monday, I go in for my first job interview on Monday, it's all very fortuitous.


Ms. Frances said...

It's only a four hour drive?? That's awesome; I would have guessed it was a lot more.

What job are you interviewing for? Is it the English department secretary type job?


Stephanie said...

Do you have a mailing address yet? I have a care package to send you!